Monday 13 October 2008

Days on the Beach, Ferrari Red Night Clubs and Gifts in the Mail

Afternoon all... Nice weekend down in Swansea with Bezza for me, found a really cool beach with folks surfing, and went for a wee paddle.

Surf School
Bizarrely, we then went to a cheese makers for lunch, and had cake with cheese (not cheese cake (?!)) a classic combo!

Tea, Cake and Cheese

Awwww.... just made it back in time to catch up with Col, B and Malco himself at BH last night for an evening session. Some amazing styles going down from some mountain bikers... Before B threw his bike at a jump and got a big old punner.

Today is a worky day of course, 3 parcels have cheered me up tho - there is nothing quite like internet shopping to brighten up work.

Spent a large chunk of lunch trying to find a garage to drop Lisa's car off. Note: never trust google maps. - Claimed it was Eccy Rd. South, next to Casino... Was actually Eccy Rd. behind Tesco.


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