Friday 10 October 2008

The Dangers Of Winter

As Nick has pointed out, winter is definately upon us, soon it'll be dark when we go to work and dark when we get back. Gone are those carefree days of skipping merrily home from work safe in the knowledge that you can still get hours of playing on the push iron in before bed, gone are those sweet wafts of BBQ's on the warm evening breeze and gone are the scatily clad ladies of summer only to be replaced by doom and gloom and those scary chavs down the road.

Well chin up! It's dark cold and muddy so wack on your lights and get out there, it's bloody ace fun! I know, I know, it's all too easy to slip into that sofa with a hot cup of tea and watch the crappy tellybox but pull yer socks up and get out there, that hot cuppa tastes soooooo much better when you've earned it you big soft girly lump, what are you waiting for!

To get the ball rolling we went out for a rainy night lap of the Wharncliffe XC on Monday and did a few screaming and giggling runs of the XC DH which was tons of fun, then on Wed I hit up the Peaks with Phil of and Col of (dirty shameless mentions). It was a nice clear, cold ride and made me excited about those super crisp nights to come, riding out there lit by a full moon is awesome, just turn off the HID's and go!

So get off that arse of yours, swing a leg over and get pedalling, but watch out for ghosts, monsters, murderers and big sticks!

Dirty great stick gone exploded my outer!

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