Tuesday 28 October 2008

Big Beers and Little Jumps.

Whilst my co-contributer was off cheering on weddings (congrats Matt H) i've had an almost 3 day weekend, with beers and home brew in Lincoln, followed by (plausibly really, really badly) fitting a lino floor in a bathroom...

Head in a toilet, while hungover? / Teaandbiscuits
Saturday eve and a few of us made our way to watch Sheffield SX.... Now £30 is quite a lot to watch a bit of biking, but 4hrs of mx mayhem made up for it.... Absolutely brilliant! Plus we had twosies, massive hotdogs and giant buttons. Everything is big in Supercross!!!

Bit of a late night (im old now) catching up with Twinny Rich and some late night humous before hitting a minature track road trip on sunday with Mackie, both Twins (Mike back in the house!) and Dave W.

Little Jumps, Less Scary

Top times, managed to avoid most of the rain and jump some stuff i'm scared of at Chessy before heading back home for some QT with Miss Berry...

Halloween Sooooooooon... Arghhhhh.... OOOOOOhhhhhhh

Friday 24 October 2008

Nothing at all

I haven't updated the blog as i pretty much haven't done anything in the last week or so.
This might not be entirely true, but sadly i have been earning my keep at work and doing some actual proper work for nearly 12 hours a day (give or take).

Following Mackie taking me to the home of dev abuse, i have been riding my bmx a lot more. I quite like it....
This is not me

Friday 17 October 2008


About bloody time.

Check here

Sneaky Peeky

Just come back from Matt's, we've been busy building his new steed and it's a beauty!

Check out tis crappy spy shot of it off the old camera phone:

It's an 09 Santa Cruz Nomad and it's gurt lush mush innit, possibly the first in the country directly from Peaty himself to Matt's greasy plates of meat. I want one!

Anyway, I'm off on a Rooooooooaaaaaaaaaaad Triiiiiiiiiip round Scotland with a bunch west country nobheads this long weekend.

Catch ya on the flipside kids!

Burns, Stains and BMX Tracks

If you haven't heard about Stainburn you need to, it's bloody ace. Period (snigger).

Just north of Leeds near Otley it's in a small woodland on the side of a steep hill and has a couple of loops, both quite short but what they lack in length they more than make up for in fun and tech. The first is fully man made and mainly consists of rock gardens and roots, imagine riding a DH track but all the way round, up, down and along and you start to get the picture. Every piece of it is sectionable and wicked fun. Beware though, it's not for the faint hearted or the lightly skilled, even the chicken runs are pretty tough!

The second is a completely natural loop on the opposite side of the road from the carpark. It's not properly marked out but you follow the yellow symbols on the trees and its rooty, muddy and a whole lotta fun! Probably not one to do it it's been raining loads as it's completely au naturale.

Alex and I rode there last Sat, but unfortunately my little camera bit the dust a while back and I was having so much fun I forgot to take any pics with my phone but here's Jewbacca in the carpark.

On the Sunday the Glossopians and Mancs came over the Snake to hit up the north east BMX tracks, namely Chezzy, Rotherham and Bolehills. Everyone had a wicked time and I haven't ridden so hard in ages, but I have that horrid feeling that it may have been the last warm and beautiful weekend this year, oh well...

Pics courtesy of Eddie at http://www.usmbc.co.uk

Thursday 16 October 2008

Streety Nibbling + Night Riding

Went out with good old mackdog last night for a bit of a play in the dark, as everyone had pulled out of night riding. Saw some interesting spots, but had decided (for no apparent reason) to take my mountain bike, then ended up at dev feeling like a lepper.

Bumped into young Jack at the dev tho, my gosh... is that boy amazing at everything???

Therefore, i have ridden in to work today on my bmx. Ah yes, much more street.

Three thoughts for today:

1) ive ridden my imperial grips for the first time this morning without gloves, and they are like a rasp.
2) getting to work at 8 lets you get more internet time in, while looking super keen!
3) everyone should try pastisio.

Ooh, finally this. - Bit Canadian so forgive me, but the sentiment is there:

If you had purchased $1000.00 of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. With Enron, you would have $16.50 left of the original $1000. With WorldCom, you would have less than $5.00 left. If you had purchased $1000.00 of Delta Air Lines stock you would have $49.00 left. If you had purchased United Airlines, you would have nothing left. But, if you had purchased $1000.00 worth of beer one year ago, drank all the beer, and then turned in the cans for recycling, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, the best current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle. This is called the 401 Beers Plan.

Monday 13 October 2008

Days on the Beach, Ferrari Red Night Clubs and Gifts in the Mail

Afternoon all... Nice weekend down in Swansea with Bezza for me, found a really cool beach with folks surfing, and went for a wee paddle.

Surf School
Bizarrely, we then went to a cheese makers for lunch, and had cake with cheese (not cheese cake (?!)) a classic combo!

Tea, Cake and Cheese

Awwww.... just made it back in time to catch up with Col, B and Malco himself at BH last night for an evening session. Some amazing styles going down from some mountain bikers... Before B threw his bike at a jump and got a big old punner.

Today is a worky day of course, 3 parcels have cheered me up tho - there is nothing quite like internet shopping to brighten up work.

Spent a large chunk of lunch trying to find a garage to drop Lisa's car off. Note: never trust google maps. - Claimed it was Eccy Rd. South, next to Casino... Was actually Eccy Rd. behind Tesco.


Friday 10 October 2008

The Dangers Of Winter

As Nick has pointed out, winter is definately upon us, soon it'll be dark when we go to work and dark when we get back. Gone are those carefree days of skipping merrily home from work safe in the knowledge that you can still get hours of playing on the push iron in before bed, gone are those sweet wafts of BBQ's on the warm evening breeze and gone are the scatily clad ladies of summer only to be replaced by doom and gloom and those scary chavs down the road.

Well chin up! It's dark cold and muddy so wack on your lights and get out there, it's bloody ace fun! I know, I know, it's all too easy to slip into that sofa with a hot cup of tea and watch the crappy tellybox but pull yer socks up and get out there, that hot cuppa tastes soooooo much better when you've earned it you big soft girly lump, what are you waiting for!

To get the ball rolling we went out for a rainy night lap of the Wharncliffe XC on Monday and did a few screaming and giggling runs of the XC DH which was tons of fun, then on Wed I hit up the Peaks with Phil of Gravity-Slaves.co.uk and Col of MTB-Direct.co.uk (dirty shameless mentions). It was a nice clear, cold ride and made me excited about those super crisp nights to come, riding out there lit by a full moon is awesome, just turn off the HID's and go!

So get off that arse of yours, swing a leg over and get pedalling, but watch out for ghosts, monsters, murderers and big sticks!

Dirty great stick gone exploded my outer!

Toe Clips On Jump Trails?

Just to steal Nick's thunder (he sent me this on an email, it's genius!)

Wednesday 8 October 2008

In Rainbows.

Oh yes! Also yesterday there was an awesome rainbow that ended in a castle/church. I'm not sure if it was a sign or not. Either way, it didn't make me go to church i'm afraid.


Pete and I went and played badders last night. I'm not entirely sure of the manliness of badminton, or whether i should admit that we played it, but we did.

It's good fun actually, something to do on the long, dark nights.

This is probably how cool we looked.

Back to the main topic (if we have one) i promised some pics of when we went XC riding last with Mackdog, Chris and Malco's mate Simon (had a punt there - i think he's called Simon) so here ya go:

Think my formatting might be all out. Ah well!

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Exit Light

First night ride of the year last night.

Had forgotten quite how much fun they were. I'm really enjoying the xc loop at Wharnecliffe right now. Could maybe do with a bit more surface, as it's already pitting and roughing up, but we can't have everything.

Randomly we both had massive sticks throw themselves at our bikes. Maybe it was a sign? Either way Malco came off worst, and lost a gear cable to the stick gods.

Mountain Mayhem '08. Probably mid way through a sense of humour failure.

No more for me this week 'cos i gotta go to stinking London, but i'll be back on it for next week.

Witness The Pitness

If you kids haven't already heard of him you really need to check out Pitman

Do it now!

...oh and while you're at it, get involved with Last.FM it rocks.

Monday 6 October 2008

If you book them, they will come....

Well we haven't booked them and they're not coming.

Yes young Nicholas is right, we have embarked on this bewebbed voyage of discovery hell bent on finding our hidden awesomeness by forcing our inner-selves upon you.... maybe with a thrusting action if no one's looking.

Well Nick has anyway I'm just here to relieve the tedium, possibly.

Soooooooo "Hello" from me too is what I guess I'm trying to say...

What's This All About Then?

Blogging eh? After hastily agreeing with Dan (mention no.1) that I should start a blog, the sensitive side of me realised that if no-one read it, i might be offended deeply.

Thusly, a certain John Malcomson will join me with the intention that we can write something meaningful rather than an ever increasing web-hosted list of jokes.

Plenty of things have happened up to this post. 25 years worth in fact. Maybe this blog will become something of a weekly affair with tales of what we have been up to? Maybe it will be a ride report of who jumped what, or who beat who?

I'm not sure as yet, but one thing is certain.. It will not necessarily be that good or particularly intersting.

Expect little, maybe we will pleasantly suprise?

A bad start? A stolen Pic of Malco and an 18 month old pic of me having a beer.