Monday 10 November 2008

Snot, Grot, Rock and Fire

Well, it's definately that time of year... you know, the time when absolutley everyone at work gets a stinking cold and passes it on to you, bastards, and you guessed it... it happened to me last week.

Sooooo, not much to report really....

Nick is still dead it seems, well that is what happens when you go and delete your Facebook account apparently. I went to see the new Bond film and was thoroughly entertained, oh and I went to see Airbourne at the Octagon who thoroughly rocked, you can check them out here if you like AC/DC you'll bloody love them! Also, Saturday was to be the day of round two of the World Pumptrack Enduro but we didn't get our arses in gear due to illness, inclement weather and a general lack of motivation and it didn't really happen. But, however, we had a shit load of wood to burn so we trucked back to Phil's with a few peeps and set about it. I started the fire at 5 and we kept it burnin till about 9 with the amount of wood we had, chopping wood and burning stuff rules!

Chillin' Rounf The Fire

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